Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Wow, I have been a slacker...and you can't say I have a good reason cuz this little guy sleeps tons! :) Just wanted to give a little update and get some pictures posted for you all. Bodee is still doing great. He loves to be held all of the time and with my mom here, he is getting his way! He is such a mellow little baby most of the time and is perfectly content (at times) just laying on the floor looking around and trying to find something he can actually focus on :). We have our weekly doctors appointment with the Pediatrician here at Camp LeJeune today so I will have more of an update after that. Last Monday, we went in and all looked well with him. They have to keep taking blood from him each week though to measure his Potassium levels because of the diuretic he is still on and that was torture...both for us and definitely for him. Just when you think they will leave him alone they had to stick him all over again. It was frustrating but we know it is for his own good in the long run. The great news was that after looking at the xrays they took, his left lung looks amazing...and I believe the doctors words were "it almost looked better than the right lung." This was one of the concerns with the CDH because that lung can't develop properly with everything up in that part of his chest. Well, just one more bit of proof that miracles happen. He truly is our miracle baby. We also had the opportunity to talk to and thank the doctor that was on call the night Bodee was born...and in our opinion...saved Bodee's life!

This is Bodee hanging out in his crib...he doesn't sleep here just yet as we have him sleeping in his cradle next to our bed so I can get to him easier every 3 stinkin hours...hee hee.

This is Bodee showing that he doesn't have to scream his head off during every bath. As long as I don't wash his hair he enjoys laying in the warm water. The screaming commences as soon as I wet his head.

Sooooo, now he loves baths but hates having his picture taken. This is She-Sha with Dakota and Bodee in their Christmas outfits. Still a cute pic I guess despite the tears. His face matches his outfit!And then there is little miss Dakota who is still a GREAT help with her baby brother. She is so sweet with him and loves on him every chance she gets. Our friends Brian & Sharron got Dakota a little Princess craft and this is a picture of Dakota sporting her "tiara" that she made. I'm sure the wand, purse and scrapbook will show up in later pictures but this one was perfect. She has also been busy making chocolate chip cookies with She-Sha so that Santa has something to munch on while he brings her "goodies" and "swimming suits." This is what we have to work with this year for her wish list.Here is Dakota holding Bodee. He sleeps right through being passed around!


Fer said...

Poor Bodee with the needle, but I am so happy he's doing great! I loved the pictures!

Fer (mom to Juan Pablo RCDH)

P. S. If u want to visit our blog please email me to maferarceamare@gmail.com

Amber said...

That is great news about Bodee's lung!!!

*super dude and super dog* said...

Can't wait to see you guys this week! I heard that Santa was bringing a little something to Duke for Dakota and Bodee, so I'll ask him to leave it there and we'll give it you guys on Friday :) I can't believe how much he's changing already--such a cutie!

Nichole said...

I am glad he is well he is so cute. glad you got a late night laugh. happy to do that for you. try to get some rest. if you need anything give me a call.