Thursday, January 29, 2009

Comfy Accomodations

I am updating our blog at at my comfy cozy little chair-bed! I slept so good on it last night that I woke up rested, invigorated, and ready for the day. Okay, maybe not but I am up at 6 in a very peaceful room while my warrior of a little boy is passed out next to me. It actually wasn't really even the chair that kept me from sleeping super well but the 2 hour check up visits by the nurses. Bodee didn't seem to care at all and only woke up to eat. He is still doing great and we should be discharged sometime this morning after Dr. Hoerner comes to check on him. He has about a one and a half inch incision but it looks great. For those of you that are counting, that makes 4 scars for the tough guy. I was thinking he would be even with dad here soon but dad informed me that Bodee has a long way to go. :) They are just giving Bodee Tylenol for the pain but as far as I know, the last time he had any was yesterday when he got to his room. He squirms a little when I hold him but for the most part seems to be handling it all quite well. Imagine that...he is such a stud! Here are a few pics from yesterday. We love you all and appreciate the prayers, thoughts and concerns!

Here is Bodee in the waiting's not a great pic cuz I took it with my phone but I just had to share the huge smile on his face. I tried to tell him what we were there for but he just kept smiling at me. I loved it!

This is Bodee-man in his purple gown. Dakota would fight every day we were in the ICN to be able to wear the purple gown. There was only 1 over there so she rarely got to have it. I figured she would get a kick out of baby brother sportin the purple! Oh yeah, and he is definitely flexing for the camera...he knows he's superbaby!I love this picture. He looks so sweet and peaceful. This was right after they got him settled into his room...I had to keep him in the blue blanket and with the blue binky cuz he was starting to look quite "pretty" in the purple gown! :)

This blanket says it all...he truly is Daddy's little Champ! (Flexing again for us by the way)

Poor guy...another stinkin least they made it a cool color this time!And lastly, the Duke Baseball players came around and were giving bears to the kiddos...this was Bodee's!!


Tanji Miner said...

Glad all is well with the super kido! The pictures are awesome. I feel almost like I am there giving you and him kisses and hugs! Can't wait to finally meet my super hero nephew. (And of course see you guys again!)

Spirit Bear said...

Thanks for the update and pictures! They really helped me! My heart was aching for him yesterday (you & Mark too). It was good to see him so peaceful!
Love ya

Fer said...

I'm glad everything is ok. I loved all the pictures!

Sarah said...

Thank you glad Bodee's doing well, praying for a comfortable and quick healing process. Hang in there!

Sky + Carla said...

I love his smile :) It's nice to see Bodee doing well.

~ Carla