Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Formal Apology!!!

I have to make a formal apology to the state of North Carolina. In my previous post, I made mention of the inability for snow to stick in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Shortly after posting, the state of North Carolina prooved me wrong :). We got around 2 inches and Dakota, dad and the pups had tons of fun playing around in it. I even went out later in the day with Dakota for round two. She couldn't get enough of making snow angels, eating the snow, and throwing snowballs into the street. She has quite an arm on her by the way! Rumor was that it hadn't snowed in 5 years here and we would like to take this opportunity to thank the state for not allowing us to go just one winter without snow! Not quite the same as Utah, however, as I am sure it will all melt away and won't require us to shovel any of it away from the dogs kennels in order to simply open the gates :). Enjoy the pics of our "winter storm."
Here is the beginning of when it started sticking...I kept taking pictures cuz I didn't know how long it would be around...it kept coming though!

This is Dakota and daddy in the backyard and of course, she is eating the snow. No chance to have yellow snow yet though so we were good...dogs hadn't been out in it just yet!

A pic of our house from the outside before we wrecked the front yard playing in it. Uhmmm, more snow for snacking. Thanks Ms. Kristi for making me a huge snowball to munch on.And lastly, Dakota's snow angel. I was pretty impressed with how careful she was laying down and getting up so she didn't mess it up...she's a snow angel pro!


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures! We got 6 inches of snow here and it's gorgeous! And it meant no work today which was awesome!

We hope to see y'all soon as it seems we keep missing each other!

Thanks SO much for your sweet comment. It made me cry as things have been tough lately.

We love y'all tons!

Fer said...

Very nice pictures!