Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Okay so this morning I woke up with two new things...one, 6 hours of straight sleep and two...SNOW! Not sure how both of those things go together except for the fact that I was surprised by both! When we moved here, I was told that it hadn't snowed in 5 years so when they predicted snow for today, I had my doubts and actually giggled at the fact that EVERYTHING was going to be closed today because of it. Well, what started out as sleet, quickly turned into big fluffy flakes...no sticking of course cuz it is still North Carolina, but it was a beautiful sight to see. We miss the snow (some parts of it) and didn't think Dakota would get to see it again for 4 years. I actually woke her up so she could see it...in case it only lasted a few minutes. Sorry that the picture isn't too clear but it's all I have of the proof :). It is supposed to keep snowing until tonight so for now, we are all four (yes even Mark as he was off today) are snuggled up hanging out around the house.

Okay and now for the 6 straight hours of sleep! Four hours was the most Bodee had allowed me to have until last night. My wonderful husband took Bodee's 10pm feeding for me so I could hit the hay early. I was expecting to only get to sleep til around 1 because that is his normal time to wake up. Well.....imagine my surprise when the next time my eyes opened, the clock said 4am. I was really worried about how long it would take to get Bodee to sleep longer since the ICN had put him on such a strict 3 hour schedule. Thanks to a book called "Baby Wise" we are on our way. I totally recommend this book to all new mom's and it is a great way to help babies sleep through the night. I am not getting my hopes up that I will get 6 hours every night now but hey, I will take it when I can get it.

Keep posted for our family pics as well. We went yesterday to have our pics taken for the first time in 2 years and I will post them as soon as I get the cd I ordered. Dakota had a blast and Bodee, well...he wasn't such a big fan but hopefully we got enough good ones to last us!


Tanji Miner said...

I am so glad Dakota got to see snow once again!:) We are still covered in it at my house. It was 5 degree's this morning at 7am. Can't wait to see the new pics! Love Ya

Fer said...

YAY for the 6 hours of sleep!