Okay and now for the 6 straight hours of sleep! Four hours was the most Bodee had allowed me to have until last night. My wonderful husband took Bodee's 10pm feeding for me so I could hit the hay early. I was expecting to only get to sleep til around 1 because that is his normal time to wake up. Well.....imagine my surprise when the next time my eyes opened, the clock said 4am. I was really worried about how long it would take to get Bodee to sleep longer since the ICN had put him on such a strict 3 hour schedule. Thanks to a book called "Baby Wise" we are on our way. I totally recommend this book to all new mom's and it is a great way to help babies sleep through the night. I am not getting my hopes up that I will get 6 hours every night now but hey, I will take it when I can get it.
Keep posted for our family pics as well. We went yesterday to have our pics taken for the first time in 2 years and I will post them as soon as I get the cd I ordered. Dakota had a blast and Bodee, well...he wasn't such a big fan but hopefully we got enough good ones to last us!
I am so glad Dakota got to see snow once again!:) We are still covered in it at my house. It was 5 degree's this morning at 7am. Can't wait to see the new pics! Love Ya
YAY for the 6 hours of sleep!
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