Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pray Hard

Please take a quick moment while you read this and say a little prayer for Baby Carter. On Friday, he made leaps and bounds in his feeding and took 80cc's from a bottle (which constitutes a full feed for him). Pray that he will continue to kick butt! Kellie & Brad have truly worked night and day to take care of him and have been such an inspiration for us. They are amazing people and we are better people ourselves for meeting them and having them by our side throughout this journey. Feel free to check out their blog in order to keep up with his progress!


Fer said...

I am praying with you!!!!!! I was so happy when I read kellie's update!!!!!!

Spirit Bear said...

I pray for him every day! I check out their website too! Just one short week with Kellie and Brad, touched my heart, and it will never be the same. Their enthusiasm, positive attitude, and faith are truly an inspiration to me. I wish more children had such totally dedicated parents. Carter is one lucky little boy! I'm glad that you have them in your circle of friends. Thanks for keeping up your blog... it brings me so much joy.
Love you,

*super dude and super dog* said...

Thanks guys. I got a little teary when I saw your blog post and the comments. Hopefully we'll have Carter home soon because of everyone's prayers!