Sunday, February 1, 2009

I feel ya Mikki!!!

Okay, so a little while ago my sister-in-law posted a few pictures of their daughter Madison making her own outfits. I feel her pain!! They are definitely cousins. Well, Dakota has a tendency to do this but normally doesn't insist on leaving the house in them! Last night, Mark and I were going to have date night (with Bodee of course) so we planned to take Dakota to the drop in childcare. She gets to watch a movie and have popcorn when she goes on Saturday nights. When it came time to get her dressed she was very adamant about keeping her clothes on. Well, ever heard of "pick your battles?" This was one we let slide but I had to get a pic of it. She looked adorable but just a little off...she was so proud of her Strawberry Shortcake badge too. I will say this, all the colors at least matched. Man, what a trip! Enjoy our little dress up queen! The last picture is of her not wanting to smile cuz we were giggling about her outfit...


*super dude and super dog* said...

What a great outfit. You know, fashion week is coming up in NYC soon. I think Dakota could teach those designers a thing or two! Tell her that Kellie and "Brat" love the outfit :)

Aric and Sally said...

Speaking from experience, it probably isn't going to get any better any time soon. Luckily, Dakota looks adorable - especially with the strawberry shortcake badge.

The Oberhauser's said...

That's too adorable! I'm waiting for Aiden to do the same. Right now he tries to wear his pjs all day. haha

Fisher said...
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Fisher said...

What a beautiful family! I just came across your blog and it was wonderful to get caught up on your family. We will be praying for your family as you go through this journey!

Da Ilaoa's said...

What's wrong with her outfit? Too cute. I would not have fought that battle either. I love how your family pictures turned out. Ofcourse the picture of Bodee with the flag is adoreable.

Tanji Miner said...

Love the new pics! They are beautiful! Too cute! Good luck with the clothes thing. If you get any ideas let me know. Still have Rachel that is almost 10 and the same way! The only difference is I can bargain or tell her she is not going with me until she changes. She believes more color the better.

Vierig Family said...

But she looks so darn cute!!! Glad all went will with Bodees latest surgery. Poor little man has really been through it. Cute new family pics. Glad your all doing well.

Spirit Bear said...

I actually think she did a great job with her outfit! That second picture breaks my heart...thanks for not fighting that battle with her, that smile says everything that's important!
Love ya,