Friday, October 22, 2010

Church Fall Festival

The annual church fall festival was last night so once again, we headed out for more games, fun AND SUGAR!!! Dakota told me a long time ago that she wanted to be a unicorn for Halloween this year. Since then, she's wanted to be a gazillion other things as well so I wasn't sure what she really wanted to be. As it got closer, the Unicorn came back into the lead. I finally found this costume that she could actually wear and pretend to ride LOL. Of course, one of her other costume choices mysteriously got thrown in there too...a princess! Bodee is a cowboy that is riding his horse. The few days after I got the costume...he wore it constantly and loved it. You'll see by the pictures, this excitement has faded ;). So, he was just a cowboy and his horse hung out on the stage. The kids had a blast...

Dakota and Orion

She learned really quick that the Unicorn got in the way alot when it came to festival games. But she never once took it off :).

The ball looks like it's going over the top...but she banked in both shots...granny style...but hey, points are points right?

This is where Bodee would have stayed all night long. Except that the girl running it was tired of getting wet. He kept grabbing the ducks and dunking them viciously under the water...hmmmm...odd??? Nahhhh

Hittin the golf ball with the missed the hole by like 2 inches so he walked over to the wall...put his head against it...and pouted LOL. hilarious!

Root Beer Bottle Ring Toss pro...she figured out how to maneuver the Unicorn this time LOL

Poor Unicorn!

Bodee didn't want to wear his costume...but he wasn't going anywhere without his candy bucket

Cupcake Break!

obviously something's a pixie stick...and he finished it off...wrapper and all. We saw the wrapper again the next day :( (in the bathtub unfortunately LOL)

Church Style Plinko - you could win bubbles at this one so it was a must for Dakota.

My little dart pro...this one was off...but the next two were near bulleyes LOL

And the final game of the night? Ringtoss...and Bodee through this one again...and again... and again...and again...

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